Naimisha Forest
Twitter Suggests...
No political bias here, you think?
The other day I at last forced back my terror and signed up for Twitter. I reckon if I stay quiet, lie low, and wag my tail submissively I won't be "doxxed," humiliated, have my life destroyed; get hunted down, disemboweled and eaten on the hot, asphalt pavement by a pack of mad dog SJWs.
To help me on my way, Twitter kindly offered . . .
Why Trump?
I try to stay away from overtly partisan political blogging. One more article on why we should loathe or love Donald Trump? Please. Still, it’s hard to resist the odd political observation. There was abundant commentary in late January on the first anniversary of the Trump presidency. The President’s supporters celebrated his . . .
Posted in: clintonsethnicityfree speechidentity politicsimmigrationnationobamapolitical correctnesspoliticsreligiontrumpusa
Silicon Valley bosses prostrate before China's closed internet plans
The invaluable, acidic "China Uncensored" comments on the surprise, first-time attendance by big-time Silicon valley bosses - Apple, Google, Facebook - at China's sardonically named 4th World Internet Conference: Developing Digital Economy for Openness and Shared Benefits, which promotes China's highly censored, government-run internet as a . . .
Posted in: chinafree speechinternetsilicon valley
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